Fathers Day Quotes for Dads That Passed Away
I miss my dad after passed away.my dad live in my mind in any time and live in my heart my dad is a suscefull in own life.my dad is my hero .my dad say me if you made a sucesfull man than qlol life heard work and luck is very important. baba your images in my mind then your work very heard. i promiss dad i want to be sucesfull man in my life.
and say all people problems and solved her problems . your bless /wishes with me.
i hide my tears when i say yours name .
but pain in mylife heart is still the same.
Alotouh my smile i seem carefree .
there is no one who dad misses you.
I love you baba...........
I imagine God to be like my father. My father was always the voice of certainty in my life. Certainty in the wisdom, certainty in the path, certainty always in God. For me God is certainty in everything. Certainty that everything is good and everything is God
Being a father has been, without a doubt, my greatest source of achievement, pride and inspiration. Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me how to be a better person.
How do you expect me to cope up with the grief your death, when you were the only person who understood me for what I was and not for what I could be? I miss you dad.
We may have been living miles apart but somehow it always felt that you were always there. Maybe because ever since you held my tiny fingers, you showered me with nothing but love and care. Dad, I miss you.
As I grow older, no matter whose love gives me happiness – I will always be my daddy’s little princess. I miss you dad.
Dad… I keep thinking about, you even though it pains. I’d give anythig to relive those memories again. I miss you
Three months have passed
I'll never forget the day
Someone rang to tell me
That you'd gone away
Fathers Day Messages From Daughter, Son, Wife, Girlfriend
The hurt is the same
Like an open wound
There are days
I don't utter a sound
I lost my daddy July 4, 2013. He "acted" like he loved life, but I guess not. My daddy committed suicide while he was in jail for 13 days, not very long at all. We got into arguments and I didn't get to see him for most of my life, he had been in jail most of my life. He tried suicide several times before and he was also in jail and no one believed him. I'm 13 about to be 14 February 17th and he's not gonna be there physically, but mentally I miss him soooooo much, I'm the oldest of 3 I was his baby girl. I love and miss him so much. RIP Daddy I love you xoxo
My father and I didn't meet until I was 9 1/2 years old. I moved in with him 13 days before my 10th birthday. About a year later my dad ended up in the hospital and that's when I found out that my dad had kidney failure. Nobody told me that my father was sick right away because I don't think they were excepting him to show any signs of it. Every month after that one year he ended up back in the hospital because his kidney's weren't working right. They than put him on all kinds of meds and started him on dialyses. In 2011 my step mom couldn't handle it no more so she went to file for a divorce and left him in a empty house with nothing but a mattress to sleep on. ON May 3, 2011 when I got home from school my grandfather asked me if I would like to go see my father at the hospital. I went up to see him for like two seconds but than the nurses told us we had to leave the room because they needed to change his clothes and than they were moving him to the 5th floor. He didn't make it.
Another year has passed that you have been gone
Oh how I wish that I could turn back time;
But God knew that it was time for you to go home
It was on God's agenda and not mine.
When I was young and growing up
You and I would disagree on things now and then;
But long gone are the days that I can call you on the phone
And say to you, "Dad do you remember when?"
As I now have children and grandchildren of my own,
I know now know how proud you must have been;
As the generations continue to come and go
Your love for all of us is instilled within.
It was with mixed emotion that I had to let you go
But I knew that you didn't want to stay;
You were headed home to Jesus to live forever
And that when you drew you last breath you were on your way.
There is not one day that goes by
That I don't miss you DAD,
But I know that you are with Jesus
And nothing more makes me more glad.
Miss you DAD
some Message than dad passed away
Hi. I am trying to get in touch with Leah Hendrie who wrote this beautiful poem.... I have written some music and used these words along with an extra few words to structure and create a song and want to do a recording of it and send it to her...everybody who has heard it loves it and ask me to studio record it !! Would love to correspond with you Leah about this !! Thank you !!...... Phil.
I lost my Dad to cancer two years ago on Oct 17. He was 68 and much to young to die. Thank you
i love in jaipur city i lost my lovely dad before five year .i am very sad my dad an accident on road in 2016.my mom and my brothers and sisters is sad an suddley an accident. my dad memori in my heart. and touching my heart.
i miss my bapu because my dad is loving dad so i miss my dad my dead is very hard work.
My deepest sympathies to all those who lost their dads. It makes me feel comforted to read your stories and know there are others who share my pain. My dad passed away on Sunday 24th June 2012, a week after my 25th birthday. He was only 64. For 12 years he has suffered after his first massive stroke in 2000 and second in 2009. He was unable to speak to us and his entire right side of his body. He never ever complained. He was suffering from renal failure and we soon had to make the decision to put him on dialysis or let him suffer until death. Then suddenly on Sunday he choked on a piece of meat at church and passed. The last time I saw him was a week ago on Saturday 16th June 2012. I was so lucky to have him as a father. He is now no longer suffering and is now free. I love him so much and will miss him dearly. He is always alive in my heart forever.
A father is someone that
holds your hand at the fair
makes sure you do what your mother says
holds back your hair when you are sick
brushes that hair when it is tangled because mother is too busy
lets you eat ice cream for breakfast
but only when mother is away
he walks you down the aisle
and tells you everythings gonna be ok
Fathers day wishes For Dads That Passed Away
A father is someone that
holds your hand at the fair
you do what your mother says
holds back your hair when you are sick
brushes that hair when it is tangled because mother is too busy
lets you eat ice for breakfast
but only when mother is away
he walks you down the aisle
and tells you everythings gonna be ok
- Anonymous
holds your hand at the fair
you do what your mother says
holds back your hair when you are sick
brushes that hair when it is tangled because mother is too busy
lets you eat ice for breakfast
but only when mother is away
he walks you down the aisle
and tells you everythings gonna be ok
- Anonymous
I really do not know what to say about my father. Just mean that I love him. He loves us naturally and keeps worrying about us even when we got married and had children. Though he is not rich, he tries to give us some little money as when I was a small girl. I am always his little daughter although I am 32 years old now.
The love you had for all of us is something we deeply miss as much as we miss your presence in our lives. I wish I could turn back the clock to when you were still here daddy, I would appreciate and enjoy every moment with you. If only you were here.
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